We're back! It was an absolutely amazing trip and I could
not have asked for a better way to celebrate being done
with school than going on a tropical getaway and doing
whatever I wanted!
This is our condo, it was quite large and very clean
which made me very happy! We never closed the
windows the entire time and just had a warm tropical
breeze blowing through!....Lovely!

We also had a hammock out front where I spent a lot of
my time reading....for fun! NO SCHOOL BOOKS!

Brett and a large leaf

Hydrangeas grow wild everywhere, I loved it.

Moses on the back of a bus...awesome

A man working with his cows, classic Costa Rica

The growth is incredible, shrubs grow on tree branches
and then grass grows on that . . . a lot of growing going on.
My Arizona mind could not believe it!

La Paz Waterfall

This is similar to what we Zip Lined over

Volcan Poas a sulfuric acid volcano, stinky but cool

The green stuff in the middle is sulfuric acid

Looks like a nice lake right? Its rain runoff from the
volcano and will burn your flesh off. . . .yikes!

We stopped at this muddy river in hopes of seeing
some crocodilos

Our efforts were rewarded :)

Volcan Arenal, an active lava volcano that shook
the ground about every 15 minutes

Up near Volcan Arenal we went Zip Lining . . .
Brett and I on our way up on the Tram

Brett getting unhooked

Brett coming in at 45 mph, you're supposed to
spread your legs at the end to help slow you down,
totally doesn't work but it makes for some good
pics :)

Manuel Antonio Beach, beautiful

After a long day of being lost and finally getting to
the beach we headed back to the car to go home
and found a bunch of these little cuties which made
the day totally worth it


Our last day we went to the San Jose Temple, it
was gorgeous. I did the whole session in Spanish
which made me very proud of myself :)

Brett isn't wearing a tie because he gave it away to
a sweet young man going through for the first time to
leave on his mission to Honduras. They drove like 8
hours to get there and then had to go home. Going on
a mission and being temple worthy is a huge deal in
Costa Rica. There family was so sweet.

More hydrangeas at the temple :) Brett made fun
of me but I love them!

This is me coming in on the Zip Line at 45 mph,
I was really glad the guy stopped me!! :)
The trip was so much fun and now I can't wait for
my next vacation! I want to leave again today!