Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I can't believe my little brother just graduated from Mesa High! I'm so proud! My sister and I made him this wonderful cake in congratulations! I know its no Heather cake but I was proud of myself! I even had purple and gold layers!
Love ya JD!

PS I know I look really cute in my ugly hoodie but what can I was pouring rain the WHOLE time! But we stuck it out!


Heather said...

Whatever! that cake looks awesome!!

allie said...

freakin sweet cake! so glad we got rid of those green bagels ;o)

Anonymous said...

the cake is so so cute... good work! it was so good to see you the other day!!!

Raena and Sebastian Tellez said...

Hey I'm glad I found your blog. You guys are so cute together! Sorry we didn't make it to your reception, I was about to pop and didn't feel my best. Congrats on everything.

Lizzie & Ty said...

Hey Kylie!! I saw your blog off Mallory's. Hope you don't mind. How are you doing?!! It's been forever since I've seen you! I didn't know you got married! That's awesome!! You look SO happy and I couldn't be happier for you! Hope all is well! By the way, that cake is awesome!!! A whole better than I could ever do!